1. Introduction


DonnaFin.io is a desktop application financial advisors use to keep track of their client information and related tasks. The ‘.io’ in our name reflects our belief that you deserve a faster workflow for input and output. If you can type fast, you can use our CLI-like commands to manage your client information and view your notes much faster than your typical customer relationship management apps.

Note: From here on, we shall refer to DonnaFin.io as DonnaFin for your readability.

1.1 Is this guide for you?

Are you a new user who is looking to get started with using DonnaFin? Perhaps you are a more advanced user trying to refresh your understanding of the available commands? Look no further! This guide will kickstart your journey as a DonnaFin whizz and even be your go-to reference if you need to refresh your understanding of some features. Head over to Quick Start or Features for more information.

1.2 How to use the user guide

As most applications on the market are not CLI-based, this may be new to some users. We strongly recommend that first-time users read through the user guide to gain a basic understanding of how to use our app. We have also included links to navigate around the user guide to allow easier access to related information. This guide includes some tips and tricks, and cautions to help you get more out of our application. Additionally, links back to the top of the page like below are present at the end of every section. For easier navigation around this User Guide, we suggest using our table of contents together with these links to find and access the information you need quickly.

This marks the end of the Introduction. Click here to return to the top.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.

  2. Download the latest donnafin.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your DonnaFin app. Using an empty folder is recommended to reduce confusion and conflict between data and user preference generated by our application.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note that DonnaFin comes with some sample clients.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • list : Lists all clients.

    • addn/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 : Adds a client named John Doe to the DonnaFin.

    • view3 : Opens the client window, where you can access the details of the 3rd client shown in the current list.

    • taba : Access the assets tab of the client that is currently viewed.

    • appendn/Good Class Bungalow ty/Property v/$10000000 r/newly bought with bank loan : As we are in the Asset tab now, this will add an asset to the currently viewed client.
    • remove1 : Removes the 1st asset in the Asset tab.

    • home : Return to the home window.

    • delete3 : Deletes the 3rd client shown in the current list.

    • exit : Exits the DonnaFin.
  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

This marks the end of the Quick Start section. Click here to return to the top.

3. About

This section aims to help familiarize you with how our application works and the terminology that we use throughout our application and user guide.

3.1 Special Icons

Here are the special icons used throughout our User Guide to help you utilize this guide more effectively.


Tips are tidbits of helpful information that can help you have a better experience with DonnaFin.

:bulb: Tip: Tips are helpful!


Notes are here to provide you with extra information that you may find useful when using DonnaFin.

:information_source: Note: Take notes when you see this icon!


Cautions are around to warn you of potential pitfalls that unfamiliar users may encounter. For example, suppose you fail to heed warnings around commands like clear or tamper with application files without adequate knowledge. In that case, you may inadvertently lose data permanently.

:exclamation: Here lies a cautionary tale!

3.2 Application Home Window Breakdown

Here is an overview of the different elements that make up the Home Window of DonnaFin

Main Window.png

3.2.1 Quick Access Buttons

  • This area gives you access to the ‘File’ button that allows you to quickly exit the app. The help button redirects you to the User Guide for further guidance.

3.2.2 Command Box

  • The command box is where you can enter a command where you can hit enter to execute it.

3.2.3 Result Display

  • The result display is where the response to the command entered is displayed.
  • If you enter an invalid or wrongly formatted command, the error message will be displayed here as well.

3.2.4 Client List Panel

In this section, you will view a list of all the clients that have their records stored on DonnaFin. The index of a client corresponds to the index needed to be entered in the view command. For example: if the client list is as per the image above, entering the input view 2 will take you to the client window of Bernice Yu, as she has the index of 2.

The following client details are also viewable from the Client List Window:

  1. Name
  2. Phone
  3. Address
  4. Email Address

3.3 Application Client Window Breakdown

Using the view command brings you to the client window. Though the client window differs in content and layout from the main window, the ‘Quick Access Button’, ‘Command Box’, and ‘Result Display’ are all the same, as explained earlier in section 3.2.

Here is a picture showing all the common elements spread across all tabs in the Client View.

Client View

3.3.1 Client Tab Buttons

  • These buttons are specific to the Client Window. You can use these buttons to toggle through the different tabs to access and edit client information. The tabs are as follows:
    1. Contact
    2. Policies
    3. Assets
    4. Liabilities
    5. Notes

You can toggle through the tabs using the tab command as shown here.

3.3.2 Contact Tab

The Contact Tab is the Client Window tab you first see when transitioning from the Home View to the Client View. Alternatively, this tab can also be accessed by pressing on the Contact button when in any of the Client View tabs or typing the command tab c, tab contact or tab contacts. You can access the following contact details of your client:

  1. Name
  2. Phone
  3. Email
  4. Address

The picture below shows how these are displayed:


The Contact tab also supports the edit that allows you to change your client’s contact details, as shown here.

3.3.3 Policies Tab

The Policies Tab is the Client View tab that stores all of your client’s policies. This tab could be accessed by pressing on the Policies button when in any of the Client View tabs or typing the command tab p, tab policy or tab policies.

You will know that you are in the Policy tab if you see the Policies header below the Result Display. You can access the total commission you earned through looking at the number to the right of the Total Policy Commissions.

The table displays each policy in its row, with each policy field (e.g. insurer, commission) displayed in columns.


Here are the following fields that each policy records:

  1. Policy Name
  2. Insurer
  3. Insured Value
  4. Yearly Premium
  5. Commission

Each policy has an index that is sorted by ascending order. If you would like to remove an existing policy, you can use its index as a parameter for delete. To save you the effort of counting rows, we have indexed the rows with a counter on the leftmost column.

The Policies tab also supports the append and remove command that allows you to add a new policy or remove an existing policy, as shown here.

3.3.4 Asset/Liabilities Tab

This section covers both the asset and liability tab due to their similarities.

The Asset/Liabilities tab is the Client View tab that stores all of your client’s assets/liabilities. This tab can be accessed by pressing on the Assets/Liabilities button when in any of the Client View tabs or typing the command tab a, tab asset, or tab assets for the Assets tab and typing the command tab l, tab liability, or tab liabilities for the Liabilities tab.

You will know that you are in the Assets tab if you see the Assets header below the Result Display or the Liabilities tab if you see the Liabilities header below the Result Display. You can see the total value of these assets/liabilities by looking at the number beside the Total Asset/Liability Value.

The table displays each asset/liability in a row with each field of the asset/liability displayed in columns.

Asset/Liabilities Tab of DonnaFin

Here are the following fields that each asset/liability records:

  1. Index
  2. Asset/Liability Name
  3. Asset/Liability Type
  4. Asset/Liability Value
  5. Remarks

Each asset/liability has an index that is sorted by ascending order. If you would like to remove an existing asset/liability, you can use its index as a parameter for delete. To save you the effort of counting rows, we have indexed the rows with a counter on the leftmost column.

The Asset/Liability tab also supports the append and remove command that allows you to add a new asset/liability or remove an existing asset/liability as shown here.

3.3.5 Notes Tab

The Notes tab stores additional information about your client. You can access this tab by pressing on the Notes button when in any of the Client View tabs or typing the command tab n, tab note or tab notes.

You will know that you are in the Notes tab if you see a big white text box below the Result Display. You may simply type into it, and you will save all the edits you make. Unlike the command box, this supports multi-line input and allows you to indent lines with spaces.

:information_source: Note: A discerning user may notice that Notes stands out from all the other tabs. Unlike other fields, Notes support multi-line input. As you may write at length in these multi-line fields, we deemed that force-fitting your note-taking workflow through a single-line command input would be counter-productive and unintuitive.

Notes Tab of DonnaFin

3.4 Command Format

In DonnaFin, we provide the user with a Command-Line-Input (or CLI). The command message is generally in the format of a COMMAND_WORD followed optionally by a number of parameters (COMMAND_WORD PARAMETER1 PARAMETER2 PARAMETER3).

The COMMAND_WORD directly describes the intent (e.g. add, delete, view). The optional parameters are additional information that the command may require. For example, delete requires one parameter — the index of the client being listed, so the full command would be delete 1

Command syntax takes these three possible forms:

  • Commands that do not require parameters (e.g. list, home)
  • Commands that require 1 parameter (e.g. view 1, delete 1, find pat)
  • Commands that require more than 1 parameter. In these cases, parameters must always be prefixed and order does not matter. (e.g. add n/John McClane e/mcclane@notnakatomi.com a/3 Mountain View Rd, SG 244220 p/90249024)

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Command word is case-insensitive.
    e.g. in remove 3, command word remove can be accepted as Remove or rEmOvE.

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in edit n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as edit n/John Doe.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • To make things easier to remember for the user, we have also chosen prefixes that closely resemble the field to be added to (e.g. n/ for name and pr/ for premium).

  • Items in square brackets are optional.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command, but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • The format given for monetary parameters includes $, you should add it or the input will be rejected.
    e.g. A valid input for v/$ASSET_VALUE is v/$1000. v/1000 will not be accepted by DonnaFin. As we currently only accept dollar formats, cents can be added by specifying the value to two decimal points.

This marks the end of the About section. Click here to return to the top

4. Features

This section gives you a detailed explanation of how each of our features works.

For your easy reference and navigation, we have split our features into four different categories:

  1. Global Features
  2. Home Window Features
  3. Client Window Features
  4. Database Features

The following categories will explain the intended purpose of our features.

4.1 Global

Global commands consist of features that you can access from any (Home or Client) window of DonnaFin. Such features include getting help and exiting DonnaFin.

4.1.1 Viewing help : help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

help message

Format: help

4.1.2 Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

4.2 Home Window

Home Window commands consist of features that enable you to manage your client base. These features are exclusive to Home Window, the default window that pops up when DonnaFin opens.

The Home Window: home window

Such features include adding and deleting clients, listing/clearing all clients, doing a specific search for clients, as well as viewing a client in detail.

:information_source: Note: To access and update details on a specific client, you may refer to Client Window Commands.

4.2.1 Adding a Client : add

Adds a client to the DonnaFin.



  • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01
  • add n/Betsy Crowe e/betsycrowe@example.com a/Newgate Prison p/1234567

Do take note that there is a near-duplicate check for names. This means that when adding a person whose name is similar to another client already found in DonnaFin, the result display will prompt the user as shown below but the client will still be added to the client list. However, if the names are exact duplicates, they will be rejected.

Near-duplicate: DuplicateRejectionMessage

Duplicate: FullDuplicateRejectionMessage

Names are said to be near-duplicates if the names differ only in case (upper case letters where there are lower case letters) or with spaces (user types in two or more spaces in place of one)

First Name Second Name Is near-duplicate
david Li David LI yes
daviD Li David LI yes
daVid Li David LI yes
david Li David   LI yes
david Li David       LI yes
davidLi David Li no
DavidLi David Li no

Note that this duplicate detection does not try to combine separated words. E.g. ‘John Son’ and ‘Johnson’ would not be seen as near-duplicates.

4.2.2 Deleting a Client : delete

Deletes the specified client from the DonnaFin.

:bulb: Tip: The index reference can be taken from the number next to your client’s name!

Format: delete INDEX

  • Deletes the client at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed client list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • list followed by delete 2 deletes the 2nd client in the DonnaFin.
  • find Betsy followed by delete 1 deletes the 1st client in the results of the find command.

4.2.3 Listing All Clients : list

Shows a list of all clients in the DonnaFin.

Format: list

4.2.4 Locating Clients by Name: find

Finds clients whose names contain any of the given keywords.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans
  • Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang
:information_source: Note: We will support fuzzy searching in future development! (e.g. searching for ‘Jon’ with ‘John’)


  • find John returns john and John Doe
  • find alex david returns Alex Yeoh, David Li
    result for 'find alex david'

4.2.5 View Client Information : view

:information_source: Note: You may refer to our Client Window Commands to learn more about what you can do after executing our view command.

Allows you to open the client window to access all data on your specific chosen client. Once in this window, you can see each client field in detail and edit existing information.

:bulb: Tip: The index reference can be taken from the number next to your client’s name!

Format: view INDEX

  • Edits the client at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed client list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • view 1

4.2.6 Clearing all client data : clear

Clears all data from the DonnaFin.

:exclamation: This is a destructive command that cannot be recovered from, please take care when you use it.

Format: clear

4.3 Client Window

Client Window commands consists of features that enable you to manage data on each specific client. These features are exclusive to Client Window. They give access and writing privileges for any client information fields. You can access these commands once you have entered the Client Window using our view command.

The Client Window: ClientContactTab

Such features include switching tabs, editing contact information, managing financial details, and notes for each client.

4.3.1 Switching Tabs In Client Window: tab

Allows you to navigate to a different tab.

There are five tabs:

  1. Contact
  2. Policies
  3. Assets
  4. Liabilities
  5. Notes
:information_source: Note: Our tab command works in any of these five tabs!

Format: tab KEYWORD Contact Tab

Switches you from any tab in Client Window to Contact tab.

Keywords: c, contact or contacts (case-insensitive)


  • tab c
  • tab contact Policies Tab

Switches you from any tab in Client Window to Policies tab.

Keywords: p, policy or policies (case-insensitive)


  • tab p
  • tab policy Assets Tab

Switches you from any tab in Client Window to Assets tab.

Keywords: a, asset or assets (case-insensitive)


  • tab a
  • tab asset Liabilities Tab

Switches you from any tab in Client Window to Liabilities tab.

Keywords: l, liability or liabilities (case-insensitive)


  • tab l
  • tab liability Notes Tab

Switches you from any tab in Client Window to Notes tab.

Keywords: n, or note or notes (case-insensitive)


  • tab n
  • tab note

4.3.2 Edit Client’s Contact Information: edit

You can edit your client’s contact fields with our edit command.

:information_source: Note: You should be in Contact tab to use these commands.

Format: edit [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [a/ADDRESS] [e/EMAIL]

  • We support multi-field update, you may edit more than one contact field at once.
  • edit requires at least one field present to be valid.

The Contact Tab: ClientContactTab

Example: edit n/Allison Wang e/allison@plpgp.com

Below is a breakdown of how you can edit each contact field. Edit Client’s Name

You can edit the name of the client you are currently viewing with our edit command.

Format: edit n/NAME

  • This action will override client’s current name.

Example: edit n/Allison Wang Edit Client’s Phone Number

You can edit the phone number of the client you are currently viewing with our edit command.

Format: edit p/PHONE_NUMBER

  • This action will override client’s current phone number.

Example: edit p/81753076 Edit Client’s Address

You can edit the address of the client you are currently viewing with our edit command.

Format: edit a/ADDRESS

  • This action will override client’s current address.

Example: edit a/#12-123 Phua Chu Kang Ave 7 Edit Client’s Email

You can edit the email of the client you are currently viewing with our edit command.

Format: edit e/EMAIL

  • This action will override client’s current email.

Example: edit e/allison@gmail.com

4.3.3 Asset Features

Asset Features consists of features that enable you to add and remove assets for your clients.

:information_source: Note: You should be in the Assets tab for these functions to work as intended.

The Assets Tab: assets tab Add an Asset to a Client: append

Adds a new asset to the current client you are viewing.

  • $ASSET_VALUE is a monetary value. DonnaFin will only accept whole numbers and values in 2 decimal places (i.e. $120 and $120.20 are valid. $120.2 is invalid).



  • append n/Good Class Bungalow ty/Property v/$10000000 r/newly bought with bank loan Remove an Asset from a Client: remove

Remove an existing asset from the current client you are viewing.

:bulb: Tip: The index reference can be taken from the number on the leftmost column!
  • Removes the asset at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed asset list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Format: remove INDEX


  • remove 1

4.3.4 Liability Features

Liability Features consists of features that enable you to add and remove liabilities for your clients.

:information_source: Note: You should be in the Liabilities tab for these functions to work as intended.

The Liabilities Tab: liabilities tab Add a Liability to a Client: append

Adds a new liability to the current client you are viewing.

  • $LIABILITY_VALUE is a monetary value. DonnaFin will only accept whole numbers and values in 2 decimal places (i.e. $120 and $120.20 are valid. $120.2 is invalid).



  • append n/Property debt with DBS ty/debt v/$100000 r/10% annual interest Remove a Liability from a Client: remove

Remove an existing liability from the current client you are viewing.

:bulb: Tip: The index reference can be taken from the number on the leftmost column!
  • Removes the liability at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed liability list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Format: remove INDEX


  • remove 1

4.3.5 Policy Features

Policy Features consists of features that enable you to add and remove policies for your clients.

:information_source: Note: You should be in the Policies tab for these functions to work as intended.

The Policies Tab: policies tab Add a Policy to a Client: append

Adds a new policy to the current client you are viewing. You must be in the Policies tab.

  • $INSURED_VALUE, $YEARLY_PREMIUM and $COMMISSION are monetary values. DonnaFin will only accept whole numbers and values in 2 decimal places (i.e. $120 and $120.20 are valid. $120.2 is invalid).



  • append n/Diamond Policy i/AIA iv/$10000 pr/$200 c/$1000 Remove a Policy from a Client: remove

Remove an existing policy from the current client you are viewing. You must be in the Policies tab.

:bulb: Tip: The index reference can be taken from the number on the leftmost column!
  • Removes the liability at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed policy list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Format: remove INDEX


  • remove 1

4.3.6 Edit Notes

You can simply add your changes inside the notes field inside the Notes tab, and DonnaFin will automatically save your data.

4.3.7 Returning to Home Window: home

Allows the user to return to the home window.

Format: home

4.4 Database

Database features consist of features that are related to how your client data is stored.

4.4.1 Saving the data

DonnaFin data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

4.4.2 Editing the data file

:bulb: Tip: If your changes to the data file are erroneous and cause DonnaFin to “lose its data”. Don’t worry, as long as you do not run commands, your data is still stored. Simply undo your changes to restore.

DonnaFin’s data is saved as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/donnafin.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:exclamation: Caution:

If your changes to the data file make its format invalid, DonnaFin will discard all data and start with an empty data file on the next run (no clients are shown).

  "persons" : [ {
    "name" : "Alex Yeoh",
    "phone" : "87438807",
    "email" : "alexyeoh@example.com",
    "address" : "Blk 30 Geylang Street 29, #06-40",
    "notes" : "Likes bread",
    "policies" : [ {
      "name" : "Golden Age",
      "insurer" : "AIA",
      "totalValueInsured" : "  14000.00", // note the invalid monetary format
      "yearlyPremiums" : "$ 28.00",
      "commission" : "$ 4.00"
    } ],
  } ]

The above figure shows the original JSON data for totalValueInsured regarding the client Alex Yeoh. Suppose you tamper with the JSON file directly and change one of client details to an invalid format (in this case the total value of assets is supposed to be start with a ‘$’ to indicate that it is a monetary value). DonnaFin will start with an empty data file.

However, when this happens, to prevent total loss of your data, we do not delete it right away. DonnaFin will assume that the intended action is to clear your data and restart only when any valid command is run. DonnaFin will then proceed to cleanly wipe donnafin.json and execute your command.

This marks the end of the Features section. Click here to return to the top.

5. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous DonnaFin home folder.

Q: I have multiple clients with the same name, but your application won’t let me add them! What do I do?
A: We realize some names are common, but we decided to prioritize your ability to instantly recognize a client over letting you keep the accuracy of the name. For that reason, we suggest adding other identifying nicknames or words in the name e.g. “John Walker (Bartender)” and “John Walker (Johnny)”.

Q: My clients have assets and policies valued in USD / RMB / AUD / other currency. How can I show this in the table?
A: We plan to have multi-currency support in future developments. However, currently, we only accept dollar (‘$’) currencies and formats compatible with the Singapore Dollar. For now, please use only a single currency and convert as appropriate.

Q: I want to write with non-Latin alphabets. Do you have support for internationalization (e.g. Chinese, Hindi, Malay)
A: While it may not break our system, we have developed this application with Latin script in mind, and cannot guarantee a bug-free experience.

This marks the end of the FAQ section. Click here to return to the top.

6. Command summary

This section gives a quick summary of how you may use DonnaFin. You may click on the links for each command to jump to the detailed description of using a specific command.

Global Commands Format Examples
Help help help
Exit exit exit
Home Window Commands Format Examples
Add add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS add n/James Ho p/22224444 e/jamesho@example.com a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665
Delete delete delete 3
Find find KEYWORD find James Jake
List list list
View Client Window view INDEX view 1
Clear clear clear
Client Window Commands Format Examples
Return to Home Window home home
Switch to Contact Tab tab KEYWORD tab c
Switch to Policies Tab tab KEYWORD tab p
Switch to Assets Tab tab KEYWORD tab a
Switch to Liabilities Tab tab KEYWORD tab l
Switch to Notes Tab tab KEYWORD tab n
Edit Name edit n/NAME edit n/James Lee
Edit Address edit a/ADDRESS edit a/blk 123 bukit batok ave 4
Edit Email edit e/EMAIL edit e/jameslee@donnafin.com
Edit Phone Number edit p/PHONE_NUMBER edit p/98374283
Add Asset append n/ASSET_NAME ty/ASSET_TYPE v/$ASSET_VALUE r/REMARKS_ON_ASSET append n/Good Class Bungalow ty/Property v/$10000000 r/newly bought with bank loan
Add Liability append n/LIABILITY_NAME ty/LIABILITY_TYPE v/$LIABILITY_VALUE r/REMARKS_ON_LIABILITY append n/Property debt with DBS ty/debt v/$100000 r/10% annual interest
Add Policy append n/POLICY_NAME i/INSURER iv/$INSURED_VALUE pr/$YEARLY_PREMIUM c/$COMMISSION append n/Diamond Policy i/AIA iv/$10000 pr/$200 c/$1000
Remove Asset/Liability/Policy remove INDEX remove 1

This marks the end of the Command Summary section. Click here to return to the top.

7. Glossary

  • CLI: Abbreviation for command-line interface, where the application process commands as text. This contrasts with graphical user interfaces (mouse-based applications) that have the user click buttons or similar control surfaces.
  • Asset: Items that generate profit or return on investment.
  • Liability: Obligations that require payments from the client.
  • Policy: A contract between an insurer and policyholder (the client in this case) where the policyholder receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses.

This marks the end of the Glossary. Click here to return to the top.