Project: is a desktop application used by financial advisors to keep track of their client information and related tasks. The ‘.io’ in our name is a reflection of our belief that you deserve a faster workflow for input and output. If you can type fast, you can use our CLI-like commands to manage your client information and view your notes much faster than your typical customer relationship manager apps.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature:
    • Add Assets Feature #137
      • Implemented an Asset class to represent an asset, containing its name, type, value and remarks.
      • Our users will be able to store asset information about their clients.
      • These assets are stored as a List of assets in Person since one client can have multiple assets.
      • As such, for storage purposes, a new class JsonAdaptedAsset was created to store each individual assets.
      • Our JSON file now holds nested JSON objects, one of them is assets.
    • Add Policies Feature #137
      • Implemented a Policy class to represent a policy, containing its name, type, insured value, yearly premiums and commissions.
      • Our users will be able to store policy information about their clients.
      • These policies are stored as a List of policies in Person since one client can have multiple policies.
      • As such, for storage purposes, a new class JsonAdaptedPolicy was created to store each individual policy.
      • Our JSON file now holds nested JSON objects, one of them is policies.
    • Add Liabilities Feature #137
      • Implemented an Liability class to represent an asset, containing its name, type, value and remarks.
      • Our users will be able to store liability information about their clients.
      • These liabilities are stored as a List of policies in Person since one client can have multiple liabilities.
      • As such, for storage purposes, a new class JsonAdaptedLiability was created to store each individual liability.
      • Our JSON file now holds nested JSON objects, one of them is liabilities.
    • Storage #137
      • As mentioned above, due our decision to create a nested JSON as our data, it differed from AB3 substantially.
      • JsonAdaptedLiability, JsonAdaptedPolicy and JsonAdaptedAsset all have its own JsonProperty fields and are stored as a List inside JsonAdaptedPerson
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Set up DonnaFin’s GitHub team organisation and repository
    • Renaming AB3 to DonnaFin during refactoring #41, and catching traces of AB3 when working on other features/work.
    • Documented project README, target user profile and value proposition
    • Shared responsibility to maintain issues
    • Changes AB3 links to DonnaFin in project README and our GitHub Pages
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Testings:
      • Add Asset, Policy, Liability and Notes testings. #172, #193
        • ensure null values are not accepted by any field
        • add and ensure regex validation + error message handling
      • Improve test quality in parsers #346
      • Add tests for valid commands in wrong window #349
        • created ParserStrategyTestUtil for cleaner test code
        • tested clientViewParser command
        • tested error message handling for valid commands in wrong window
      • More storage tests + null tests for JsonAdaptedLiability, JsonAdaptedPolicy and JsonAdaptedAsset #349
        • This is to prevent NullPointerException from occurring, which completely breaks the app.
        • Prevent duplicates/ purposeful insertion of null value
    • Bug fixes:
      • Ensure single-word commands cannot be activated when input is more than one word. Add support of upper/lower cases in command word. #144
      • Valid command in wrong window should show an appropriate message as it is not an unknown command #306
      • Fix index larger than MAX_VALUE showing different error message #303
    • Enhancements:
      • Amend SampleDataUtil functions to fit with the new Asset, Liability and Policy structure and how it interacts with Person.#137
      • Amend Person equals function to have the flexibility to compare all its attributes or only compare basic contact information. #137
      • Remove StatusBarFooter #94
        • We decided that it was not necessary for our application.
      • Refactor directory from seedu.address to donnafin #83
      • Add css to horizontal tabs (when it existed) #97
      • Remove traces of AB3 + change person -> client #41, #94, #328, #293, #328
        • this happens consistently throughout my contributions that are hard to record at times
      • Remove Edit command and tags #56, #246
        • We no longer support tagging as it does not fit our use case
        • AB3 edit command is not relevant to how our edits will be conducted
      • Update Project README to match DonnaFin #30
      • Map escape key to home window (since removed) #80
      • Add function to trigger edit for specific contact fields #82
      • Add fxml files for home and client window switching #62
      • Improve code quality #328
        • added loggers as well
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide #163, #187, #240, #312, #335, #342 :
      • Sectioned our features into global, client window, home window and database
      • Wrote the guide for these features: add, delete, view, tab, edit, append, remove, home and editing notes
      • Add tips and notes to help the users understand better
      • Wrote the Command Summary and added links to each command for better user experience
    • Developer Guide #43, #28, #326, #349:
      • Transferred our initial user stories to our repo
      • Added target user and value proposition
      • update UML description for Ui and Logic #171
        • Added new ClientPanel and explained our ParserStrategy and ParserContext implementation
      • Explain how storage for Asset, Policy, Liability work using JsonAdaptedLiability, JsonAdaptedPolicy and JsonAdaptedAsset
        • nested JSON objects are stored and implemented differently
      • Add use cases for Asset, Policy, Liability features
  • Community: